In Stock Patterns

Snow Camo
Snow Camo
Blaze Rattlesnake
Blaze Rattlesnake
Oak Bark
Oak Bark
White Oak Bark
White Oak Bark
Purple Oak Bark
Purple Oak Bark
Lime Green Snow Camo
Lime Green Snow Camo
True Timber White
True Timber White
True Timber Camo - Whitetail Skull
True Timber Beige
Pine Needle Beige
Pine Needle Beige
White Rattlesnake
White Rattlesnake
purple snow camo
Purple Snow
Blaze Snow Camo
Blaze Snow Camo
Pink True Timber
Pink True Timber
Pink Snow Camo
Pink Snow Camo

Not seeing what you'd like?

Is your favorite color blue or green or another color not shown above?  We can apply your favorite color as a background to most of the films. The above pink, purple, and blaze examples are the same films as above but with a colored base.

Check out this link to see other films. There are many to choose from and we can order any in-stock film off this site. *Extra charge applies to any special order films.


Let us put your picture on your skull.

Etched Applique
Etched Applique
B&W Applique
B&W Applique
Color Applique
Color Applique


Fall Base-Pink Camo Replica
Fall Base-Pink Camo Replica
Composite Snow Bark Base
Snow Bark Base
Snow Camo Bear Skull
Snow Camo Bear Skull
Wall Plaque Snow Camo
Wall Plaque Snow Camo
Oak Bark Pallet Plaque
Oak Bark - Pallet Plaque
Replic Snow Camo skull caps
Replic Snow Camo skull caps
Blaze Snow Camo Boiled
Blaze Snow Camo Boiled
Elk Snow Camo applique
Elk Snow Camo-applique
Dual Bark Plaque
Dual Bark Plaque
replica blaze snow camo
replica blaze snow camo
Left Brow Tine Repaired
Left Brow Tine Repaired
Optional Light Kit - Snow
Optional Light Kit - Snow

Gun Stocks

Beige Rattle Snake Stock
Beige Rattle Snake Stock
Rattle snake Multicolored dipped Custom Rifle

Have something else that you'd like dipped?

Give us a call and we'll see if we can help!
