Hinge cutting Amy with tree pole
Hinge cutting

 Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)

This technique is used to create thicker browse and more bedding.  Different types of TSI range from hinge cutting to selective harvest to removal of invasive species.  This produces healthier stands of timber while improving bedding and food sources all at the same time.  The end result is housing more deer on your property.  Don't let your land be just a pass through, contact us now.

TSI areas not only provide better bedding an browse, but they help to establish security.  They allow more light in to so new undergrowth can take off providing forage for wildlife.

We recommend having an on-site land consultation prior to TSI.  This allows us to lay the land out by finding premier locations to have these hinge-cut areas, which will create more daytime movement of animals about your property.  This also allows us to see areas what tree species are present to allow for hinge-cutting.


This technique is used to give deer a further sense of security in their home.  It can be used to shield their eyes to when you want to get to that tree stand stealth fully.  It can be used to soften the transition into a food plot, or to divide a food plot so deer have to move to interact with other deer.

This type of screening can be performed on an annual basis with different seed mixes such as Egyptian Wheat, or can be made into a permanent stand with perennials such as switch grass.

2nd year of a switch grass stand
2nd year of a switch grass stand on the left of this photo. Picture taken in May.
Annual Egyptian wheat stand pictured in late Summe
Annual Egyptian wheat stand pictured in late Summer.
Screening for division of a large food plot
Screening for division of a large food plot. Picture taken late fall.

Travel Corridors

By establishing corridors for the deer to travel on your property, you can make the deer on your property move past your stand for the perfect shot placement.  You can know which stand to go to based on the wind if you can get them using your strategically planned travel corridor.   

Properly placed travel corridors can make the deer feel safe to travel during daylight hours to a secluded destination food plot on your land therefore increasing your chance of harvesting them during daylight hours.

We can help you establish and plan proper travel corridors to get deer into the area of interest. Place a camera on the travel corridors and know when to go hunt that monster buck.

trail markings
corridor trail marking